Tenmars TM-802 Formaldehyde Meter

Tenmars TM-802 Formaldehyde Meter

Category: Formaldehyde Meter

Tenmars TM-802 Formaldehyde Meter

TM-802 Formaldehyde Meter

  • Measure the formaldehyde density, temperature, humidity in the environment simultaneously
  • Monitor the occupational safety in TWA (8 hours) and STEL (15 min)
  • Use the high-precision electrochemical sensor for formaldehyde measurement


  • Backlit LCD displays simultaneously formaldehyde (HCHO), temperature, humidity, easy to monitor.
  • Occupational safety monitoring shows TWA (8 hours) and STEL (15 mins).
  • Use high-precision electrochemical sensors.
  • The maximum / minimum / average hold.
  • Stores 200 records manually.
  • Data hold.
  • Formaldehyde maximum and minimum alarm value setting.
Human response International standard
 0.03ppm General outdoor
environment value
 0.08 ppm Tasteless, no sensation
for the human
 0.1 ppm Standard recommended value Limiting value of ASHRAE, ANSI,
EPA, NIOSH for STEL residence,
the recommended value
from Taiwan Environmental
Protection Administration.
 0.15~0.25 ppm Breathing for a long time
may easily  cause the allergies
on children’s skin.
 0.25~0.3 ppm It may cause the symptoms
of asthma, allergies, cough , etc
 0.5 ppm It may cause abnormal
immune function
and oncogenic risk.
Limiting value of
OSHA for workplace
 0.75 ppm It may cause Chromosomal
abnormalities  and affecting
fertility, and cause cancer easily.
Limiting value of OSHA
and TWA for workplace
 >2.0ppm It may cause cancer
and chronic respiratory disease.
Limiting value of OSHA
and TWA for workplace


  • Easy to monitor: LCD can display the three values of formaldehyde, temperature and humidity at the same time.
  • Low battery indication
  • The manual recording can be up to 200 readings
  • Back light display.
  • The maximum / minimum / average hold.
  • Formaldehyde maximum and minimum alarm value setting.
  • Monitoring and displaying the occupational environmental safety for TWA (8 hours), STEL (15 minutes)
  • Battery life is about 75 hours under continuous use


  • Dimension: 191x73x35mm (LxWxH)
  • Weight: 250g(without the batteries’ weight)
Electrical specifications 
Accuracy of the environmental conditions: 23℃ ± 5℃ and RH <80%
   Formaldehyde  Humidity   Temperature 
 Measurement   Range 0.00-5.00PPM
5.0%~95.0%RH -20 to 50℃
(-4 to 122oF)
 Resolution 0.01ppm 0.1%RH 0.1℃(0.1°F)
 Accuracy ±5% of reading
(baseline shift)
(20 to 80%)
±8.0%RH (<20%,>80%)
 time (T90)
30 seconds  


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