Shinwa 78546 Inclinometer

Shinwa 78546 Inclinometer

Category: Angle Level


●Made of sturdy fiberglass ABS resin
●For checking angle or slope 78544 The difference between civil engineering gradient and construction gradient 78545 78551 78546
●Dial can be raised for cleaning
●Large vial
●Easy-to-turn LOCK knob (Revolving Dial Model)
●High-visibility vial with clear blue liquid and thick white line. Horizontal vial has three base lines on both sides to  measure horizontal, 1/50  and 1/100 gradients. ●Both front and back  sides can be used 78543 10 3 1.25 1
■Blue Slant Revolving Dial Mode
■Blue Slant Tube Vial Model
●Both front and back sides can be use

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